
Friday, February 22, 2008

American College of Physicians Endorses Mary Jane,1,4871737.story?page=1

"Clinical researchers say the federal government has resisted full study of the potential medical benefits of cannabis, instead pouring money into looking at its negative effects."

As if this was news.


PR said...

Of course. Their buddies in the big drug companies stand to loose money if marijuana is legalized for medicinal use.

It only stands to reason.

Brock said...


During prohibition, the question was posed in smoke-filled rooms:

"OK, so which of the two substances can be controlled, and which cannot?"

Well, cannabis is a plant, that grows and thrives on every continent except Antarctica, reproduces quickly, and can be obtained by everyone.
Not only that, it has been long used in medicine across the globe for thousands of years...

Then again, I'm sure I'm just preaching to the choir.

But thanks for the comment :)

Theresa said...

not to mention, the tests to prove the negative effects are bogus anyway....anyone/thing (the monkeys used in the tests) who is suffocated by 50 joints in 20 minutes with a gas mask would get brain damage